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Energy Solutions – STTE

Energy Solutions


Energy has terrible impacts on our planet, expensive prices, bad effects on human health, and the problem of providing humanity with fuel now and in the foreseeable future. These were the reasons why humanity started using technology to find better solutions that have fewer bad effects on us and the planet. We import the best technical energy solutions available: solar systems, wind turbines, geothermal power, and energy storage solutions. These are the solutions we currently work with.


in a country like Saudi Arabia where the annual average amount of sun-hours are  3230.0, we have to take advantage of that. people need to use Solar systems not only to help the environment our solutions are combined with energy efficiency, save money, reduce air pollution, and respiratory diseases. 

Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries or thermal storage.


Wind power is the energy obtained from the wind. It is one of the oldest energy sources exploited by humans and today is the most established and efficient renewable energy source. , wind energy is one of the frontrunners of technological breakthroughs that might lead to more efficient energy production. At a glance, the future of wind energy seems promising. 

Besides that wind energy is a domestic energy source, It’s a clean fuel source. Wind energy doesn’t pollute the air like power plants that rely on the combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Wind turbines don’t produce atmospheric emissions that cause acid rain or greenhouse gasses, in addition to the small space of land that wind turbines take, which means you can work with your land and keep generating energy.


Geothermal power is the heat that comes from the sub-surface of the earth. it’s far contained within the rocks and fluids under the earth’s crust, and can be observed as far down to the earth’s hot molten rock, magma.

Geothermal power plants use hydrothermal resources that have both water and heat. Geothermal power plants require high-temperature (150°C to 350°C) hydrothermal resources that come from either dry steam wells or from hot water wells. Humans use these resources by drilling wells into the earth and then piping steam or hot water to the surface. The hot water or steam powers a turbine that generates electricity. Some geothermal wells are as much as nearly as three kilometers deep.


Energy storage systems provide a wide range of technological approaches to managing our power supply in order to create a more resilient energy infrastructure and save costs on utilities and customers. The intermittent nature of a power supply provided by renewable sources such as wind or solar creates a necessity for efficient, scalable ways to store and supply electricity.  So when the sun stops shining or the wind stops blowing, operators are still capable of providing a constant stream of power for uninterrupted use.